(An extract from the Code of Rules of Procedure of the Western Province Provincial Council) |
It shall be the duty of the Public Petitions Committee to consider petitions referred to it by the Secretary. |
Functions of the Public Petitions Committee.
Where the Committee is of the view that any petition discloses an infringement of a fundamental right or causing of other injustice by a Public Officer or an Officer of a Public Corporation or Local Government Authority it may refer such petitions, to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (Ombudsman) for investigation and report. |
Referring petitions against a Public Officer to the Ombudsman.
The Committee from time to time shall report to the Provincial Council its opinions and observations together with other views making recommendations as it thinks fit in respect of petitions referred to it. |
Committee decisions on the petitions to be reported to the Provincial Council.
(An extract from the Code of Rules of Procedure of the Western Province Provincial Council) |
It shall be the foremost duty of the Committee on Statutes and Laws to consider the legality of a statute, a law, a regulation referred to it and to point out lapses and any amendments where necessary and also to advise whenever the Council is compelled to involve in judicial matter. |
Committee on Statutes and Laws.
On the reference to it under Rule 63 of a Statute by way of a communication from the Presidential Secretariat or Parliament, the Committee shall meet within three days of the receipt of the said communication and its report on the conclusions to be forwarded to the Presidential Secretariat or Parliament in relation to such law shall be handed over on the day following the day of such meeting to the Minister in charge of the subject relevant to the proposed law if such law relates to List 1 of the 09th Schedule and to the Secretary to enable the report to be included in the agenda of the next Provincial Council meeting if such law relates to List III of the 09th Schedule. |
Communication from the Presidential.
Secretariat or Parliament. |
On the reference to it of any proposed statute or other matter the Committee shall forward its recommendations that conform to the terms of such reference. |
Whenever a reference is made to the Committee of any proposed law, statute or other matter, the Minister in charge of the relevant subject shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of the Committee when such proposed law, statute or other matter is under consideration. |
Minister in charge of the Subject shall be entitled to participate in Committee proceedings.
Any consultation by the Provincial Council from Parliament in respect of subject matter pertaining to a statute set out in List III of the Ninth Schedule to the Constitution and any consultation by Parliament from Provincial Council in respect of such act shall be referred to the Committee on Statutes and Laws. The Chairman shall forward the recommendations of the Committee in respect of such reference for the approval of the Provincial Council.
Consultations by Parliament from the Provincial Council on any matters pertaining to List III if 9th schedule to the Constitution, to be referred the Constitution and Acts to the Committee on Statutes and Laws. |
When recommendations of the Committee on Statute and Laws on a Statute relevant to List III of the Ninth Schedule to the Constitution are required urgently, if the Minister who intends to sponsor the said statute refers it to the Secretary with a special note to that effect, after it is communicated to the Chairman by the Secretary, action shall be taken to convene the Committee as early as possible and take subsequent action accordingly.
Committee on Statutes and Laws to meet as possible to make available its recommendations on a Statute relevant to List III of 9th Schedule to the Constitution expeditiously.
(An extract from the Code of Rules of Procedure of the Western Province Provincial Council) |
The foremost duty of the Business Advisory Committee shall be as follows :-
a.To assist the Chairman in preparing the Order Paper.
b. To allocate the time to the ruling party, the opposition, an independent group or an independent member with regard to the specific items due to be discussed at a Provincial Council Meeting.
c. To consider whether the private member’s motions referred to the Business Advisory Committee are not inconsistent with Rules of Procedure and if they are found not inconsistent, to advise the Secretary to include such motions in the Order Paper.
d.To examine and forward recommendations on the references made to the Committee in relation to breach of privileges of members.
Issue of agendas.
Determination of time to be allocated.
Inclusion in the agenda the Motions consistent with Rules.
Rule 94(a) amended as 91(d) on 03.04.2001.
The Chairman shall be able to reject having consulted the views of the Business Advisory Committee, any motion which is inconsistent with the Rules of Procedure of the Council.
Rejection of motions.
(An extract from the Code of Rules of Procedure of the Western Province Provincial Council)
It shall be the duty of the Committee on Rules of Procedure to review from time to time these Rules and recommend to the Council any proposals that it deems necessary and also to consider and report on all matters relating to these Rules referred to it by the Council.
Reviewing Rules of Procedure and proposing recommendations.
(An extract from the Code of Rules of Procedure of the Western Province Provincial Council)
It shall be the duty of the House Committee to consider and advise the Chairman upon all requirements relating to the privileges and rights of members of the Council.
Consideration of requirements of privileges and rights of members.
(An extract from the Code of Rules of Procedure of the Western Province Provincial Council) |
The foremost duty of the Vigilant Committee shall be as follows:- |
Vigilant Committee
(a ) To forward recommendations to the relevant Minister in respect of the fruitfulness, improving the efficiency and avoiding the wastage of the projects implemented out of the Provincial Council allocations.(b) To examine the complaints received from the members and the public regarding such projects and to intimate the relevant Minister if it is deemed necessary.
(c)To examine the matters referred to the Committee in respect of breaches of privilege and to forward recommendations
Recommendations on fruitfulness of Provincial Council projects.
Complaints relating to the projects referred to are to be examined.
The Vigilant Committee or a Sub-Committee thereof shall have the authority to summon before it and question any person serving under the Provincial Council or any Officer or person handling subject matters pertaining to Provincial Council and to work and call for and examine papers, books, reports, documents etc, the Council Secretariat shall provide facilities for carrying out these functions. |
Competency to examine subjects of Provincial Council employees etc.
While the Vigilant Committee shall meet as and when deemed necessary, it shall meet at least once a month. |
Holding of meetings of the Vigilant Committee.
The Vigilant Committee shall report to the Provincial Council in respect of its performances once in three months. The report shall contain recommendations or advices forwarded to a Minister by the said Committee. A member shall have the right to request that such report be discussed in the Provincial Council. At such an instance it shall be the duty of the Chairman of the Provincial Council to fix a date for such discussion. |
Reports to be referred to the Provincial Council by the Vigilant Committee once in three months.
(An extract from the Code of Rules of Procedure of the Western Province Provincial Council) |
It shall be the duty of the Provincial Council Public Accounts Committee to examine the accounts displaying the appropriation of the funds granted by the Provincial Council to meet the expenditure in the Province and to examine such other accounts forwarded to the Provincial Council along with the report of the Auditor-General thereon.
Duty of the Provincial Council Public Accounts Committee.
The Committee shall from time to time report to the Council on the accounts examined, the finances, financial procedures, performance and management of any Ministry or any other authority receiving allocations from the Provincial fund and on any other matter arising therefrom.
Referring of reports pertaining to the Ministries and authorities to the Council.
The Committee may when it considers necessary appoint Sub-Committee of its own members to examine and report to the Committee on all accounts, the finances and management of such Ministry or authority as the Committee may direct.
Examination of accounts finances and management of Ministries and authorities and appointment of Sub-Committees. |
The Committee or any of its Sub-Committees authorized by the Committee shall have the power to summon before it and question any person in the Provincial Public Service or call for and examine papers, books, reports or documents etc., of a Ministry of the Provincial Council and have access to stores, property etc., of any Ministry, Department or Authority. |
Competency to question persons in the Provincial Public Service and examine reports and documents.