// Holding of PC Meetings

0.1 Date and times

Western Province Provincial Council meetings are generally held twice a month, and according to rule No. 8 unless the Council otherwise decides meetings are scheduled to be held on the Tuesday following the first and third Sunday of each month.

Generally meetings are held from 9.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. and meetings on the debates of the annual financial statement are to be held 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. Nevertheless meetings summoned by the Governor shall commence at the time specified in the notifications issued by the Governor.

0.2 Agenda

The agendas for meetings are prepared by the Provincial Council’s Secretary with guidance from the Council Committee.  Several days before the relevant meeting the agenda is sent to all the members.

0.3 Statutes

Any Hon. Members intending to introduce Statutes shall prepare them in three Languages and shall  hand them over to the Council Secretary with the required number of copies needed for circulation among the Hon. Members with the certificate stipulated under rule No. 37.  Any private member intending to introduce statutes shall hand over the motion containing the aims and principle of statutes along with the document which stipulates the section No. 42 to the Council Secretary.

0.4 Rules regarding the debates

All instructions as to how the debates of the Council should be conducted and the manner as to how the Hon. Members should speak are included in rule Nos. 64-67.  It is very important to acquire a knowledge of such institutions indicated in the rule for safeguarding the dignity of the Council and proper holding of debates.

0.5 Oath / Affirmation

Under Provincial Council Act No. 4 of 1987 :

Every member of the Provincial Council before sitting shall make and subscribe to the affirmation or take and subscribe to the oath as required by Section Four of the Provincial Council Act.

Accordingly, every member, as stipulated in Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure, shall have to make the affirmation or to take the oath before the Governor/nominee of the Governor/the Chairman.

At the first sitting of the Council after its election, the necessary arrangements to make affirmation or to take oath will be made available.

0.6 Seating of Members

At the first meetings of the Council after an election, a member may sit in any seat provided for use of members.  But the Chairman shall as soon as possible allot a seat to every member, at his discretion and considering the members’ seniority.

0.7 Election of the Chairman and a Deputy Chairman

In the Western Provincial Council (WPC) the first task when the Council meets after an election, is the election of a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman.  The Chairman is unanimously elected or if there are more than one candidate the selection is done by majority vote.             Accordingly the amendment approved by the committee on 2002.08.06, the regulations 4, (4) 10   4-(8) sets out that the one who receives the majority vote (including those of absentees) is appointed the Chairman.

0.8 When attending meetings of the Council members shall be properly attired

Honourable members attending the meetings should be attired in European dress and tunic collared, long sleeved shirt and trousers or else in national dress or in a variation of it.

0.9 Common Cement of meeting

The calling bell is rung.  Thereafter the Chairman together with the sergeant-at-arms with the mace before him, enters the chamber, and business is conducted.

1.0 Quorum

The quorum of the Council is one third of the total number of members of the Council.  If at any time, the absence of a quorum is noticed by the Chairman or is brought to his attention by any other member, he shall order the division bells to be rung.  In counting a quorum the Chairman shall be included.

1.1 The Chair

In the absence of the Hon. Chairman the Deputy Chairman will chair the meetings.  If both happen to be absent an Hon. Member whose name appears in the Chairman’s list will take the chair.  If all these are unavailable an Hon. Member selected by the Council will take the chair.

1.2 Which Language should do the Council

The business of the Council shall be conducted in the Official Languages.  Members will however be entitled to speak and discharge their functions in the link language.  The Chairman shall provide facilities at every possible occasion enabling the members to listen to translation of speeches.

1.3 Use of the Mace

The Mace or the scepter which symbolizes the power and authority of the Hon. Chairman is used as a mark of significance in the Western Province Provincial Council.

Council meetings where the mace or scepter is not exhibited is not a properly formed meeting.  Particularly at meetings where the Chairman is presiding the mace should be on the central table when a Chairman is being elected.  When the Chairman is seated in his seat and the Council is in session the crystal point of the mace should be focussed towards the governing party.

The Hon. Chairman arrives and leaves the house proceeded by the sear- gent who carries the mace on his right shoulder.

1.4 Adjournment and Suspension

A Minister or the Leader of the House can forward a motion of adjournment.  But it is not possible to adjourn it indefinitely.  At the same time it is possible for the Chairman to adjourn the house if it becomes vociferous, or to impose a temporary suspension.