Western Province Provincial Council meetings are generally held twice a month, and according to rule No. 8 unless the Council otherwise decides meetings are scheduled to be held on the Tuesday following the first and third Sunday of each month.
Generally meetings are held from 9.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. and meetings on the debates of the annual financial statement are to be held 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. Nevertheless meetings summoned by the Governor shall commence at the time specified in the notifications issued by the Governor.
Under Provincial Council Act No. 4 of 1987 :
Every member of the Provincial Council before sitting shall make and subscribe to the affirmation or take and subscribe to the oath as required by Section Four of the Provincial Council Act.
Accordingly, every member, as stipulated in Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure, shall have to make the affirmation or to take the oath before the Governor/nominee of the Governor/the Chairman.
At the first sitting of the Council after its election, the necessary arrangements to make affirmation or to take oath will be made available.
The Mace or the scepter which symbolizes the power and authority of the Hon. Chairman is used as a mark of significance in the Western Province Provincial Council.
Council meetings where the mace or scepter is not exhibited is not a properly formed meeting. Particularly at meetings where the Chairman is presiding the mace should be on the central table when a Chairman is being elected. When the Chairman is seated in his seat and the Council is in session the crystal point of the mace should be focussed towards the governing party.
The Hon. Chairman arrives and leaves the house proceeded by the sear- gent who carries the mace on his right shoulder.